About Us

Blueberry Pancake Publishing is a trendsetting independent publishing company.

It is Blueberry Pancake Publishing’s philosophy that the best things in life are the simplest. We believe that children (and adults) should be outside, climbing, jumping, getting muddy, and having picnics with teddy bears. Then snuggling up with a cozy book as the perfect way to end the day.

Opening its doors in 2016 by owner and independent author Lisa Jochim, a tranquil
approach to lovingly writing a story for a child was introduced to the world. Traveling
back to the past to a world that was not spinning so fast, she intentionally slowed down
her world and her company for children and parents to enjoy the beauty and joy of a
calm reading time and to create more rocking chair moments.

In 2024, Ashley Gordon joined Lisa at Blueberry Pancake Publishing. Ashley blends her unique perspective and her personal and professional experience into a writing style that is deeply human and relatable. She is on a mission to live wildly, slowly, and freely for her and her child and to show others that they can do the same.

Through books, courses, blogs, and more we want to empower others to slow down and live intentionally.

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